Before answering the question of what Igbo market day you were born in, first, let’s take a look at the four Igbo market days and touch on their cultural significance to a child’s birth.
What are the Four Market Days in the Igbo Calendar?
The four market days in the Igbo calendar are Eke, Orie, Afor, and Nkwo market days. These four market days represent the days of the week in the Igbo culture and the market activities of each day. While Eke Market Day is made sacred and believed to be the resting day, Orie is a day allocated to the gathering of food products in preparation for sale.
But beyond those, the four market days play significant roles in every aspect of the lives of the Igbo people.
For instance, babies are named after the market day they are conceived.
Some are;
- Okonkwo- a name derived from the market day Nkwo.
- Okafor- from the market day called Afor.
- Nworie- a name coined from the market day Orie.
- Okeke- derived from the market day Eke.
Know of any other coined names? Do let us know in the comment section below.
In the Igbo culture, each of the coined names carries not only the memory of the day of their birth but also the values and symbolism associated with that particular market day.
Binwannem News shares some. It says that those born on Eke Market Day achieve whatever they want to achieve in life, those on Afo Market Day are secret achievers, those born on Orie Market Day are peacemakers and those on Nkwo are friendly people. (This information is based on our research. So, we do not advise you to base your decisions on this).
Now, if you are unaware of the Igbo market day you were born, don’t worry. The next section has the answer to the question “On what Igbo market day was I born?” Discover and connect to a rich cultural heritage.
On What Igbo Market Day Was I Born?
We’ve created a calculator that precisely gives you the right response to the question, “What Igbo market day was I born?”
Found at the top of this page, this tool uses your date of birth to predict the Igbo market day you were born effortlessly. Simply enter your date of birth in the space provided and the Igbo market day should be with you within a few seconds.
To use the calculator, follow the following steps:
- In the space provided, enter your date of birth in this format day/month/year. Or make use of the calendar to select your date of birth.
- After your careful selection, the calculator tells you what Igbo market day you were born in.
Easy right? Of course! Make sure you make use of it today to discover what Igbo market day you were born in.
Have any other questions, or love to share the Igbo day you were born? Leave us a message in the comment section below. We’d like to hear from you.